Heyhey. Hellohello. -.- Talking to Shan on the phone. I feel so dead. Okok, this is weird. Urrrggggh, so many homework and i haven't do finish 2 hwk? I'm kinda tired of it. I keep wanting to use the comp but hwk seems to be stopping me.. Pssssh. :/
Didn't go t church this morn and yaya, today's MUMMIE'S DAY! :DD HAPPY MUMMIE'S DAY for all mummies who are my mummies : 1. My mother, who actuuuually borned me out with LOTS OF CARE. 2. Mummieeee Jadeeee, who actuuually always helps me and cheers me up. 3. AishaaaaYaaaanti, my unisexxx mum, who makes me smile and hears me out.
:D .
So many mothers uh? ... But i've got 1 old daddy. He didn't marry 3 women. But 2 of them are just for fun. :D
Haiz , i'm bored till death. But i'm not dead yet. All i need is some good rest. I think my work is now like shitzxc . :/ *Pissed* Okok, now msn-ing Yongwei? LOOOL. Gaaaaah..
I feel as if i'm always bored.. Psssssh. Okok, don't wna blog liao. Byeeeeeee :D .
He takes my breath away . ♥
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