Changed the link for the blog. Yeah , it's [ http://theleftover-debris.blogspot.com/ ] . Hahah :) . I'm seriously bored right now. Woooooah, i just did Geography and Maths exam on Thursday, meaning 2 days ago? O.o Yup, i've done everything on time. On Friday, well, there's English and Chinese paper 2. Finished it on time toooo :D . Loool, now msn-ing JamesC kor. He has such low self-esteem. Seriously! -.- And he really likes to compare his 'life' to mine. :/ Psssssh. I envy his beautiful little life he has. He just got everything but he thinks he's ugly. Lmao. Bleeeeeaaaaah, enough talking about him.
I've been studying Science and i think it's just not enough and i miss my slacky life. D': Weekends are the best. There's just excuses to make to slack :D ! Great uh?
There's Science on Monday.
There's Maths on Tuesday.
There's Literature on Wednesday.
There's Chinese (LC) on Thursday.
There's loads of life from me on Friday.
And blah :D .
I still miss you. ):
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