http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHmvkRoEowc&playnext_from=TL&videos=ofG9fROhJE8&feature=rec-LGOUT-real_rn-5r-30-HMThis guy is even nut-ter thn me . LOOOL! Seriously, it makes me LOL ! OMG, he is a gay. Hahahah! Tt makes it more interesting uh? He's preeeeetty.
Haiz , feeling so bored. Arrrgh , addicted t youtube. Watching Annoying Orange again! :DDD Bleeeeaaaah. Ohya, today got Mid-year advance exam. Did English paper 1 and MT paper 1. MT i did not tt well? Well, the compo i did it as if i'm only primary 4. And i kinda get tt idea from a compo i did in primary 4. But i think today's compo is better thn my primary 4 one. :DD :/ Maybe not. Whatthehell is wrong with me???!! Okok, i'll stop talking. :XX
Today is sucha beautifully boring day. Maybe i should go study. Naaaah , maybe not. I'm not in the mood to. Psssssssh. I'm watching youtube; Lego Star Wars and playing maple at the same time! Hahahaha :D I think i should stop youtubing. I have been watching youtube for 4 hours. --' I'm wasting time and electricity. :/ Bored. I'm feeling to add pictures to this blog. Maybe i should! Wna take a look at my pretty younger sister? Yea, alright. Well, i do love her, but i call her names as an affection of love CT might say. :D Okok, i'll upload it now. Ok, i have to say, my sister is way more prettier thn me. :DD I'm proud of tt. But she's naughty. Dirty. Ohok, maybe not tt dirty. :D Maybe i should end here before she actually kills me if she sees this.
What more could you ask for? Life isn't always perfect, yknow?
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