Heyhey . (: Errrr.. Doing solidworks now. -.- Friggin'! It's not responding. Pssssh.. It hanged. =__= AAAAAAHHHHHHHH !! Okok, it's back now. Yaaaaye :)
Went out w RL today :}} We walked and walked until walk to SengKang na bian . Thn she was fed up w someone cuz keep giving wrong info. Actually we were suppose t find ppl. Pssssh. Thn we siansian, walk back to Punggol thn she call her Mama. (: She thn bought 6 cans of coke and a tub of ice-cream and a packet of ice-pop. Hahahahah! Guess what she's gonna do w it ? ;]]
Went home thn chiong English. Thn solidworks.
I just found out my name in Japanese. アンドレア - Andrea . So it's pronounce as "Andorea". Kinda weird . But i think it's okok luh. Hahahah! :D Maybe i'm just too bored. -.-
Going off now. Peace out.. - . -
Living my dreams .
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