Wednesday, September 8, 2010

This isn't so bad.

Hoho, i suddenly thought of updating again. I've been lazy again -.- .. Watching shows every single day and not doing anything much. School will open soon anyway. Finished a few of my work and left a few. Currently doing my HE homework now. It's a bore. I guess i'll just post on what i did today for this post.

Woke up in the afternoon as usual. Got a call from my tuition teacher that would be having tuition half hour later after my lunch. During that half hour, i rushed to finish my tuition homework which i did not even touched on for 2 weeks. After tuition went to do this darning homework thn at the same time, use the comp like now :D . Thn i went to bathe thn i went to eat dinner which is better thn usual and made me eat 2 bowls of rice instead of 1 (: . Which was good, well, for me. Thn i on the comp again. And multi-task. Now i'm kinda bored. Yeah, so, i'm going to watch shows or animes or what so ever that can entertain me. Maybe youtube. I miss many of annoyingorange shows :D .

Soo, bye :] .

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