Thursday, December 16, 2010

All the right feelings.

It was an uninteresting day. Woke up late again and played a little maple and went out to my aunt place. Cousins, sister and I watched a rather boring movie and they went to do up the christmas tree. Haha. My sister kept calling the ornaments elements, she just can't get it right. Anyway, soon enough, I'm going to be a year older. I just can't wait to get a little mature in the mind.

I'll soon be addicted to maple all over again. Well, it's the holidays. As soon as school is going to start, I'll stop playing. No, seriously. Everything seems to be happening soon enough. Haha, kinda weird though.

Anyway, will be going to this island tomorrow and be stranded there forever. Haha, kidding. But seriously, I'll be going to this island.

Ha, shall end here.

I need some help, some inspiration, but its not coming easily.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Sweet Smelling Rain.

At Grandma's house now. It's seriously boring. At least i brought my science homework and this lappy. The WIFI is really bad here. Almost everything lags. HAHAHA, can't go out and walk around the yard, it's raining so heavily. Time passes so slowly when you're bored. There is still hours until the time to get home.

Unknown of what's real and what's not.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Pleasure Unentertained

Precisely, nothing much happens everyday when you're not in school. Most of the time, we would just sit in front of the computer like zombies. Including me. Even my sister years younger from me is crying out loud how internet is not working for her.

I've stopped thinking about what's going on in my mind. The word, 'fantasy' just got thrown into the bin. Recently, i've stopped using the computer and even started reading. Fictional, documentary, comics. They make my day.

Sigh, it's dead boring. There are just times i feel like going out and just staying home. Shall end here.